Employer Bulletin | 24 February
A new pilot programme connecting high school students with New Zealand manufacturers has launched, Small Business and Manufacturing Minister Chris Penk has announced.
“Manufacturing is a powerful economic player, contributing about 8.4 percent of New Zealand’s GDP and employing 10 percent of our workforce – but businesses are telling us skill shortages are curbing productivity,” Mr Penk says.
“Manufacturing can supercharge our economic growth and strengthen our competitive edge on the world stage, if the sector is given the right support to thrive and increase its exports.
“That’s why our government has teamed up with Advancing Manufacturing Aotearoa to establish an ‘earn as you learn’ pilot in Waikato. This offers high school students hands-on experience with local manufacturers, while earning a qualification and a paycheque.
“Students will spend two days in the classroom, three days working each week with a manufacturing business and leave with an NZ Certificate in Manufacturing Level 3.”
In today’s Bulletin:
- Employer dismisses employee for needing sick leave
- Employer found to have followed fair restructuring process
- Employee’s claims barred by raising them incorrectly
- Employer is mistaken on whether employee is casual
- Nine news updates of interest for employers including: Growing economy good for jobs and opportunities; Going for Growth: Unlocking investment in NZ; Business price indexes: December 2024 quarter; Key transport link will boost regional economy; Going for growth to boost farmer confidence; New programme to grow manufacturing workforce; Hosts for new applied doctorates scheme announced; and Visitor arrivals up in 2024.
- Eight bills open for submission
If you have any questions, about this case or other employment relation matters, call the Advice Line team on 0800 800 362.