Employer Bulletin | 6 November
Labour Hire business owner, Surasak Pootinun, has been sentenced to five and a half years in jail after being found guilty of 69 different tax evasion and forgery charges involving nearly one million dollars. Surasak ran several labour hire businesses for growers and market gardeners in South Auckland. Over a three-year period Surasak deliberately filed false GST returns and failed to account for withholding tax. He also forged invoices and lied about expenses from various other sub-contactors which allowed him to claim additional costs in GST returns.
In today’s Bulletin
• Number of homes consented continues to decrease
• Labour Hire business owner jailed
• Annual wage cost inflation at 4.3 percent
• Unemployment rate at 3.9 percent
• One Employment Court case, four Employment Relations Authority cases and one Bill open for public submission.
If you have any questions, about this case or other employment relation matters, you can call the Advice Line team on 0800 800 362.