Your link to first-rate employment relations advice.
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 6pm
As part of the wider BusinessNZ Network, we have the resources, capability and influence to deliver intelligence for members around upcoming legislation.
Financial services organisations operate in a very competitive landscape and customer expectations never stand still. It’s those two considerations where many challenges stem from, including keeping close tabs on the regulatory framework, rising operational costs and smart use of business intelligence.
As part of the wider BusinessNZ Network, we have the resources, capability and influence to deliver intelligence for members around upcoming legislation. What’s more, we ensure the voice of business is heard to help shape that legislation.
Providing the latest and most relevant learning and development options is another key benefit we offer our members, and this covers everything from leadership training for new and emerging leaders to governance training for boards and directors and employment law.
We also deliver Job Search Connect, a free service for eligible job seekers which offers job search support, advice and connections to employers for eligible job seekers.
Your link to first-rate employment relations advice.
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 6pm