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  • Entertainment Expenses

    This guide describes when entertainment expenses are deductible as an expense for income tax purposes. It also discusses entertainment expenditures that attract FBT.

  • Equal Employment Opportunities

    Equal Employment Opportunities means eliminating barriers to ensure that all potential employees are considered for the employment of their choice, and that they have the chance to perform to their maximum.

  • Equal Pay Act

    Your guide to understanding the Equal Pay Act and the pay equity claim process.

  • Essential Services

    This guide provides information on essential services, which are those services that have been identified by Parliament as being services where other interests must be protected if work in those services stops for a period of time owing to a strike or lockout.

  • Fair Trading Act

    The Fair Trading Act prohibits certain conduct and practices in trade. This guide discusses what they are and what penalties may be imposed if there is a breach.

  • Fidelity

    Fidelity is an implied term in every employment agreement and this guide provides information on what fidelity is and what happens when it is breached.

  • First Aid

    A guide to the legislative framework and what you need to consider when setting up first aid training, equipment and facilities in the workplace.

  • Fixed Term Employment

    Use this guide to understand when a fixed term employment agreement can be legally used, in what circumstances are using fixed term agreements prohibited and ow to correctly create a legitimate fixed term employment agreement.

  • Flexible Working Arrangements

    This guide covers the legislative requirements when an employee requests a variation of their working arrangement.

  • Frustration

    This guide provides an overview of the doctrine of frustration where a supervening event renders performance of a contract impossible.

  • Full and Final Settlements

    This guide provides an understanding of the procedural requirements in regards to settlements both in and out of the Court.

  • Gifts

    This guide reveals some of the issues with gifts and provides some suggestions for how an employer might resolve these issues.

  • Good Faith

    This guide sets out where the term good faith appears in legislation that is directly relevant to employment and provides some useful insight into what “good faith” means in those contexts.

  • Harassment and bullying

    Our plain language guide to navigating issues surrounding harassment and bullying in the workplace. This guide sets out a sample process and highlights issues to consider when tackling bullying or harassment complaints.

  • Hazard Identification and Management

    What your obligations are to manage hazards and risks to health and safety and how they apply to your business.

  • Health and Disability Commissioner Act

    Our guide if a complaint needs to be made to the Health and Disability Commissioner in regards of protecting the rights of health consumers and disability services consumers.

  • Health and Safety

    This detailed guide assists employers with understanding their obligations and duties under the new Act. It explains the Act’s main provisions, changes and relevance with the view of supporting Business Central members in understanding what the Act means for their businesses.

  • Health and Safety at Work

    Use this guide to understand key changes to health and safety at work under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

  • Holidays Act

    Our premier guide explains employee minimum entitlements in regard to annual holidays, public holidays, sick leave and bereavement leave.

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