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  • Records

    This guide discusses a variety of records that employers should retain, either by law or because they assist in the managing of employees and the workplace.

  • Recruitment

    Employers need to prepare and follow a procedure to ensure they attract and retain the right candidate for the job.

  • Recruitment and Selection

    Use this guide to understand the two-step process of recruiting the best pool of candidates, then selecting the most appropriate person for your vacancy.

  • References

    Understand how to establish the validity of a reference, the privacy constraints in regards to collecting information through references, obligations when providing a reference and obligations when obtaining a reference.

  • Restraints of Trade

    Deterrence is a good reason for including restraint of trade clauses in your employment agreements. This is a guide to understanding restraints of trade, including information on enforceability and what remedies are available for a breach.

  • Restructuring and Redundancy

    This A-Z Guide provides you with grounding in what the courts consider redundancy to mean, and how it should be approached so that you comply with your obligations under the Employment Relations Act 2000.

  • Retirement

    This guide provides an overview of the issues around retirement which employers need to be aware of.

  • Sample of Plain Language ERP Clause

    Sample of Plain Language Employment Resolution Problem Clauses.

  • Sample Permanent Agreement

    Sample Permanent Full-time or Permanent Part-time Employment Agreement.

  • Shop Trading Act Repeal Act 1990

    Within this guide is an outline of the shop trading restrictions on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day and ½ of ANZAC Day.

  • Sick Leave

    Our premier guide to understanding sick leave entitlements and how payment for sick leave is calculated.

  • Smoke Free Environments Act

    Use this guide to understand your obligations under the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 and the consequences of failing to meet those obligations as well as how to address smoking in the workplace while complying with the law.

  • Social Media

    This guide discusses the emergence of social media in the workplace and the possible issues it may present at the different stages of the employment relationship.

  • Stress and Fatigue

    This guide provides some information on how stress and/or fatigue should be prevented and managed and when to get specialist advice.

  • Strikes & Lockouts

    This guide provides information on strikes and lockouts which may occur either lawfully or unlawfully.

  • Student Loan Deductions

    Some employees may have student loans and this guide provides detailed information on how to deduct student loan payments from salaries and wages.

  • Superannuation Fund Contributions

    This guide provides an overview of the tax treatment of employer contributions to superannuation funds.

  • Surveillance

    This guide provides an overview of covert and overt surveillance in the workplace and considers an employer’s obligations involving privacy, trust, confidence and good faith.

  • Suspension

    This guide discusses the suspension of employees during disciplinary procedures and of both striking and non-striking employees during a strike.

  • Termination of Employment

    This guide provides an overview of the circumstances that lead to termination and factors to consider when the employment relationship is ending.

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